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Nothing Working?  Relax...

We've already found your perfect prospects.

Finding dozens of new homes and closing multiple new deals each month is just a few clicks away...  


View 11,000 Estate Home Florida Sample List in a full screen map

The Biggest New "Secret" in Florida Real Estate  

The biggest "secret" trend in Florida real estate is the $68 Trillion Great Wealth Transfer. 

Over the next 25 years, 45 million households from the Silent and Baby Boomer generation will transfer $68 Trillion in wealth with the majority of that being held in the form of real estate.

In the State of Florida, over 46% of the homes are owned by someone from the Silent or Baby Boomer generation.   As these Florida property owners pass away each month, several thousand distressed high-equity properties are left to heirs who for the most part - don't want the homes. 

What they want is to sell and cash out their inheritance money. 

Each month in your local area, thousands of real-time estate homes appear leaving family heirs struggling to figure out what to do and how to do it.   As a licensed Florida Realtor, they NEED YOUR HELP.  

The problem is they don't know how to find YOU and YOU don't know how to find them...  Until Now

EstateFinders - a Private Real Estate Community  

EstateFinders is an exclusive private online community to help Florida Real Estate Professionals learn how to reposition their business to capitalize on the emerging multi-trillion dollar Estate home trend.  

We provide advanced training and source lists of how to instantly find thousands of high equity distressed estate homes throughout the State to help you have greater success in your real estate business.  

When a property owner passes away anywhere in Florida, we know about it almost immediately and find all their real estate owned together with the full contact information of up to five family relatives so you know exactly who you need to contact to get the deal.    

Most market regions average several hundred new estate homes and thousands of relative contacts each month.   In the majority of cases, the heirs want to sell the home to cash out their inheritance money.   

So each month, you literally have thousands of seller-heirs that are already looking for a realtor to help them...  they are already looking for you!   

When you join our private community today, you will learn how you can instantly find more motivated seller homes in your area to do more closings and make more money.   And the best part is you can do it all WITHOUT selling your soul to social media or spending a single dime on paid ads.

The New "Shadow Inventory" in Florida  

This highly specialized niche has become the new "shadow inventory" in real estate that nobody knows about.   And before you jump to the wrong conclusion - this is NOT PROBATE.  It is infinitely better and more profitable than probate. 

We find these homes within a few days of the owners passing away providing you an incredible first to market advantage over all your competitors.   Since most of the homes are either held in a trust, pass to a surviving spouse or are homestead under Florida law, they completely bypass the probate process.

Since probate is not required on the majority of these homes, there is no long court delay which means you can quickly list and sell the home to get paid right away.

EstateBase is the only source in the country that compiles the owners of real estate that pass away in real-time together with the contact information of up to five family relative heirs.

You can't buy a list like this anywhere in the country today...  because it doesn't exist. 

When you join our private community, you will gain access to this highly valuable source list so you can be the first to find these homes each month with virtually no competition.  

Finding more homes and closing more deals is really just this simple.

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